Round Cable

Round Cable


  • High flexible data cable for low frequency transmission application.
  • Overall myler tape wrapping over cores improves Dielectric strength of the cable.
  • Significant reduction in crosstalk and interference between the cores within the pair cable due to twisted pair in the instrumentation cable.
  • Fine wire copper strands of small cross section made using high quality copper, provide better mecanical strength and reliable data transmission.
  • Cores are coded with different colours, without colour repetition ensures easy identification as per dc deepcab Colour code In some cases cores are coded with numbers & core colour are Grey.
  • Outer sheath of speacial PVC based compound > 100 Mohms/km insulation resistance.

Round Cable


  • High flexible data cable for low frequency transmission application.
  • Overall myler tape wrapping over cores improves Dielectric strength of the cable.
  • Significant reduction in crosstalk and interference between the cores within the pair cable due to twisted pair in the instrumentation cable.
  • Fine wire copper strands of small cross section made using high quality copper, provide better mecanical strength and reliable data transmission.
  • Cores are coded with different colours, without colour repetition ensures easy identification as per dc deepcab Colour code In some cases cores are coded with numbers & core colour are Grey.
  • Outer sheath of speacial PVC based compound > 100 Mohms/km insulation resistance.


  • Control and signal cable in speacial purpose machines and measurement equipment
  • Electronics and computer systems.
  • Electronics scales/electronic weighing machines.
  • Many data transmission applictions and instrumentation applications.
  • These control and signal cables are used in the milliampere range for computer systems, electronic control equipment, office machines, scales etc. and wherever the thinnest possible control cables are required.
  • Electronic systems normally have little space available for cable installation. Cable is made especially for short distances and small bending radiuses.


  • Fine strands of annealed tinned copper wire, PVC based core insulation, cores twisted & laid up in layers. • Overall Myler tape wrapping.
  • Outer sheath of speacial PVC based compound
dc deepcab Shielded Cable in Reference to the following standards
Cable : IS 694 : 2010
BS 5308 Part : 2, Type: 1
IEC 601156 -1 ( 1994 )
IS 14493 ( Part 1 ) : 1997,
IS 5608 ( Part 1 ) : 1991
Conductor: Fine copper IEC 60228: Class 5
Idetification of Core/ pairs/ Traid : dc deepcab core colour table BS 5308 : Part 2 : 1978 ITD 3003 & 113C
Product Description

dc deepcab Make Multicore Unshielded Round Taped Signal Controll Instrumentation & Computer Data cable for EMI protection

No. of Cores No. of Strands/ size Cross sectional area of each core Approx. overall Dia. No. of Cores No. of Strands/ size Cross sectional area of each core Approx. overall Dia.
No. SWG Sq mm mm No. SWG Sq mm mm
2 7/38 0.127 3.3 2 14/38 0.25 3.8
3 7/38 0.127 4.1 3 14/38 0.25 4.5
4 7/38 0.127 4.5 4 14/38 0.25 5.0
5 7/38 0.127 4.8 5 14/38 0.25 5.3
6 7/38 0.127 5.3 6 14/38 0.25 6.0
7 7/38 0.127 5.4 7 14/38 0.25 6.0
8 7/38 0.127 5.8 8 14/38 0.25 6.4
9 7/38 0.127 5.9 8 14/38 0.25 6.5
10 7/38 0.127 6.2 8 14/38 0.25 6.8
12 7/38 0.127 6.6 12 14/38 0.25 7.2
14 7/38 0.127 6.8 14 14/38 0.25 7.5
15 7/38 0.127 6.9 15 14/38 0.25 7.6
16 7/38 0.127 7.0 16 14/38 0.25 7.8
18 7/38 0.127 8.0 18 14/38 0.25 9.0
20 7/38 0.127 8.2 20 14/38 0.25 9.2
25 7/38 0.127 8.8 25 14/38 0.25 10.0
30 7/38 0.127 9.0 30 14/38 0.25 10.1
40 7/38 0.127 10.3 40 14/38 0.25 11.5
50 7/38 0.127 11.8 50 14/38 0.25 13.4
Product Code Details
dc deepcab Make Catalouge Code for Round & Shielded Multicore Taped Cables
Code Description Code Description
R : Indicates Round SH : Shielded
02 : Indicates Round 02 (T) : Indicates Number of Traid Twisted
02 (P) : Indicates Round 02 (Q) : Indicates Number of Quad Twisted
Product Code Details
dc deep cab Make Catalog Code for Core Sizes of Round & Shielded Multicore Taped Cables.
Each Core/ Cable Size of Multicore Cable
No. of Strands/ size in SWG No. of Strands/ size in mm Size In Sq mm Size In AWG Size In SWG
7/38 7/0.15 0.127 26 27
7/36 7/0.19 0.205 24 24
14/38 14/0.15 0.253 23 23
14/36 14/0.19 0.409 21 22
23/38 23/0.15 0.417 21 22
23/36 23/0.19 0.672 19 20
16/0.20 0.50 21 21
24/0.20 0.75 19 19
32/0.20 1.00 17 18
48/0.20 1.50 16 17
36/0.30 2.500 14 15
56/0.30 4.000 12 13
85/0.30 6.00 10 12
140/0.30 10.00 7 9
224/0.30 16.00
350/0.30 25.00
Product Code Details
dc deep cab Make Round & Shielded Multicore Taped Cable
Capacitance : ( at a frequency of 1 k Hz ) 
C/C Maxi. 200pf/m,
C/S Maxi. 400 pf/m
Maximum L / R Ratio :
0.5 : 25 pH/ ohms
0.75 : 25 pH/ ohms
1.50 : 40 pH/ ohms
Inductance Max. :
1.25 mH/ km
Insulation Resistance : 25 M ohm/km at 20 C
Conductor resistance : See Chart Flexible wire
Loop resistance: 2 X Conductor resistance
Core identification : Cores are coded with different colours,without colour repetition ensures easy identification as perdc deepacb colour code Table 03
Test Voltage : 7/38 : 1200 V, > 7/36 : 1500 V (Not for power purpose/ High voltage current)
Working Voltage: 250 V
Temperature range : static upto +70° C